Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The End Time

However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"  Luke 18:8

What happen today if you take survey of young people in USA about marriage: 
Whether one should get married to be living together as husband and wife? 
Is Sex before and outside of marriage sin? 
I think most of the people will say what are you talking about? For some people will say I have heard about this, but I don't really think it is sin.

Another example: 30 years ago same sex marriage was not only unacceptable it was consider sin (and it is) but now people started accepting that and even some people think there is nothing wrong in it.

Our culture is changing and the belief about different religion and Christianity is changing too. As you can see satan is changing people’s mind so rapidly. People are saying there is no absolute truth. Look at all those political leaders acting now. Before they used to openly confess what they believe in but now they are not saying it. Why because it might hurt someone’s feeling. In today’s very liberal society you cannot find absolute truth. Bible says  there is absolute truth. Jesus says: I am the truth. John 14:6

There are so many things happening right now around the world like earthquakes, flooding, missing people, volcano eruptions and tornadoes. Those are natural things. And look at what is happening at the political level. Russia is getting stronger, Israel is losing ground against hamas, and China’s economy is going down. Political power in any of the European countries are all short terms. Among all France is gaining some ground. North Korea is threatening everyone with its missiles. 
In the past people used to get scared about knowing all these kind of news. But now they are all busy with their own stuff. We have news in our hand 24 X 7 but the effectiveness of the news is gone. 
Have you ever wonder is there any future effect of the global changes? Are all this political power shift make any sense? Why all of a sudden increase in the natural disasters?

Bible says keep your eyes and ears open, Analyze what you see and hear with the word of God. Mark 13:24-27 says: " But in those days, following that distress" ' the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; The stars will fall from the sky and the heavenly bodies will shaken"
Is going to happen, and people will see it. Most importantly keep your faith in one and only true God. 
Bible says Jesus is the only way and truth and life. Come to Him and LIVE.