Thursday, October 24, 2013

Christianity and media

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!

Isaiah heard His voice. And said here am I send me.

There is peace in America. The stock market is going up. The house market is going up. The value of the US Dollar is going up. There are no political crises anymore. Everything is fine.

But is this a real picture? Are we as Christians look things this way? Is prosperity a litmus test for the spirituality? Bible says:

 “While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman” 1 Thessalonians 5:3

Wake up and be alert. Our enemy satan is very deceiving. He doesn’t want us to be awake and he wants all God’s people to fall in his trap. Look around and keep your eyes and ears open. Government is not the source of God’s awakening. It never has been. Today’s politicians are trying to make us think that changing gay marriage law is Christianity, or stopping abortion is Christianity. It may be the side product of it but real Christianity is following Jesus. Real Christianity is making disciple, real Christianity is telling others about the good news.

So make that decision today. Our dear Lord is still seated on the throne and He is asking” Whom shall I send? Who will go for me? Are you ready to say yes to Him like Isaiah did? Like Peter and all the disciples did.

Go and tell others about the real Jesus Christ not what the media is teaching them. Live your life like true Christ follower. And yes tell them to be awake and alert because He is coming very soon.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Where is your Faith?

Where is your faith?

Luke 8:22-25
On the boat, major storm, raining cats and dogs. But…….but Jesus was sleeping. What to do? Disciples were terrified. They tried their best to save themselves, after all they were fishermen and they knew what it looks like to be in the storm. Finally, they lost the battle and cried out to Jesus with frustration and fear. “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
Jesus rebuked the storm and everything was back to normal. But one thing that was not normal is the expression of all the disciples. They were all in awe!!!!! To add to their misery Jesus rebuked them, “Where is your faith?”

The question is what kind of faith that Jesus is talking about? Was Jesus asking about their failure in keeping faith regarding miracle that Jesus will calm the sea?  Or is it that they have to keep the faith that Jesus will save them no matter what?
1)So many people wanted to see new president after last year’s election.
2)Same sex marriage issue to be resolved by Supreme Court.
3)Abortion laws to become stricter and stricter.

We are all praying for these things. We keep FAITH for God's miracle on these issues. But is this really we want? Do we just want superficial transformation by the political leadership? Will we be happy if this kind of things happen? Will this country be in better place if the Supreme Court says same sex is unconstitutional?
No, I guess not. I think Jesus will still tell us “Where is your Faith?

We want total transformation. We want heart transformation. Jesus told Nicodemus “You need to be born again” that’s what Jesus is looking for. When that will happen all the issues will be resolve automatically.
Let us pray for America with FAITH that God may bring transformation of hearts in this country. Let us ask our Lord that God may bring people back to Jesus.