Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lets learn from Nehemiah

Reading:Nehemiah 1:4-11
1)He grieved:
v-4.Nehemiah said:"I sat down and wept and mourn for days and I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven"
He loved his people and his land so much he could not see it's bad condition.
2)He came to the right person.
v-5.Nehemiah went straight to God of heaven."I beseech you o Lord God of heaven"
It is very important thing that he went to right person.He didn't go to his king,the king of Babel.He didn't go to other kings or the god of other people.But he went to the God of heaven he knows that only He has the power to fix the mess that they are in.
v-6 & 7.Nehemiah not only confesses his people's sin but he confesses his sin also."I and my father's house have sinned.......we have not kept your commandments"
Nehemiah knew where was the problem.He confesses sins.He knows that the problem is with them.God who is just and all powerful not to be blame.He knows the meaning of the John's words:I John 1:9"If we confess our sins He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"
4)Mercy petition:
Like he is bringing mercy petition to God.v 8-11"Lord I beseech you"
He is reminding those words of Moses to God(God never forgets)."If you come to me and keep my commandments.......I will gather them...."He is claiming God's promises.

For all the people who loves this country.Let us learn for Nehemiah.We have seen and heard the spiritual condition of this country.How long we will sit back and do nothing.The time has come to do something about it.Nehemiah brought the mercy petition let us all bring the mercy petition to God.Let us confess our sins .And let us pray together as Nehemiah prayed:
"O Lord I beseech you may your ear be attentive to the prayers of your servants who delight to rever your name"
In Jesus name we pray.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Revival in America

When I think about revival it gives me some kind of electrical feeling inside.But what is really revival means.We have heard this word so many times for most of the time in the spiritual sense.There is a talk about big revival in England by Wesley brothers also we know about the great revival by D.L.Moody and Finney.We might stretch our memory to present days and we can recall Billy Graham doing revival crusades.
But what about now?
Why even we have to talk about revival or spiritual awakening?
Do we really need it?
And if we need it then the question is why?
Let me give you some of the reasons that we need revival in America and why.
1)If you look at the spiritual condition of this country in last 50 years it is deteriorating.
2)The immunity level of the spiritual body of this country is constantly going down.
3)The visit to the physician is increased dramatically.
4)It has started taking more medication lately.
5)And after all this things rather then go to the right physician we have gone to different "so called physicians.
These are just a few reasons.I can tell you more.
Listen what the word of God tells us in Isiah 7:13 "Is it not enough to try the patience of men?Will you try the patience of my God also?"
Revive o people of God in America,turn your back and turn to Jesus.There is still hope.Let us arise and build as Nehemiah told his people.I am telling you today let us build our country.
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